(In progress) Cowling, Erin and Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas. Siglo Latinx: Rewriting Early Modern Hispanic Texts for Diverse Audiences. 


Cowling, Erin Alice, and Amanda Fuenmayor. "Los empeños de una casa, de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. EFE TRES Teatro and Teatro de los Sótanos, Corner Stage, University of Alberta, April 19, 2023, and Elder Jerry Wood Atrium, Allard Hall, MacEwan University, April 20, 2023." (2024): 371-378.

Cowling, Erin and Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas. Review: Fuente Ovejuna by Lope de Vega, directed by Mariano de Paco Serrano, Teatro Círculo, October 7-23 2022. Latin American Theater Review, 56.2, Spring 2023, 87-92. 

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y. and Erin Alice Cowling, with Octavio Solis. "The Making of the Shiny Knight of Chicanos, Part One: A Conversation with Octavio Solis," HowlRound, April 10, 2023.

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y. and Erin Alice Cowling, with Octavio Solis. "The Making of the Shiny Knight of Chicanos, Part Two: A Conversation with Octavio Solis," HowlRound, April 11, 2023.

Muñoz, Laura and Cowling Erin Alice. La vida es sueño, de Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Versión de Virtudes Serrano. Performed by Teatro Círculo 6 July 2022, Antigua Universidad Renacentista (AUREA), Almagro, Spain. Comedia Performance, 20.1, 2023, 158-61.  

"Siglo Latinx," Latinx Shakespeares, December 2022.

Cowling, Erin Alice and Ana K. Rodas Garza. Academics in Practice: Moving Beyond Appreciation.” Comedia Performance Special Issue: Recasting the Comedia, 19.1, 2022, 70-84. 

Cowling, Erin Alice. Confinement, Covid, and the Comedia in Mexico City.” Romance Quarterly, 69.2 2022, pp. 93-102. 

Cowling, Erin Alice. “A Social Justice Framing of the Comedia: EFE TRES Teatro’s El prínicipe ynocente Adaptation.” Social Justice in Spanish Golden Age Theatre, Eds. Erin Alice Cowling, Tania de Miguel Magro, Glenda Y. Nieto Cuebas, and Mina García, U of Toronto P, 2021, 119-36.

Cowling, Erin and Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas. "Entrevista a Novohispunk Teatro: Desde la distancia social hasta tu propio balcón." Latin American Theatre Review, 55.1, 2021, p. 155-168. Project MUSE.

Cowling, Erin Alice and Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas. "Entrevista con EFE TRES Teatro: El Merolico confinado." Comedia Performance, 18.1, 2021, 114-29. 

Cowling, Erin Alice. Representing the Unrepresentable: A One-Man Retelling of Cervantes’s Entremeses.eHumanista/Cervantes, 8, 2020, 132-44. 

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y.  "Conversación con Fernando Villa y Allan Flores: EFE TRES Teatro." Anagnórisis: Revista de Investigación Teatral. 20 (Dec. 2019) 471-483.


Cowling, Erin. Forthcoming: “María de Zayas from the Siglo de Oro to Siglo Latinx: Paola Izquierdo’s Transtemporal Adaptation of the Desengaños amorosos.” GEMELA, Puebla, México, July 17-19, 2024.

Cowling, Erin, Amanda Fuenmayor, Ashley Bernal, Georgina Rivero Alvarado, Lorena Rojas & Natalia Soracipa. Forthcoming Roundtable: “Siglo Latinx: Working with Artists in a Collaborative Research Methodology.” Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas, Montreal, QC, June 1-3, 2024.

Cowling, Erin. “Rewriting the Limits on Gender, Sexuality, and Identity in Early Modern Spanish Theatrical Adaptations.” KFLC, April 19, 2024.

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y. Contemporary Adaptations of Spanish Golden Age Theatre: Approaching Gen Z through Digital Media. KFLC, April 19, 2024.

Cowling, Erin.  “Recuperating Ruiz de Alarcón: How a Transatlantic Trio of Comedias Demonstrates His Influence in the Siglo de Oro and Beyond.” Teatro Novo Hispano Conference, Teatro Círculo, New York City, Nov 10, 2023.

Cowling, Erin. “Siglo LatinX: Una propuesta transtemporal y transcultural de los clásicos hispanos para audiencias norteamericanas.” Congreso AITENSO: Variaciones sobre la muerte en el teatro del Siglo de Oro: discurso, sociedad y trascendencia. Puebla, México, Oct. 31-Nov 1, 2023.

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y. "Papá Calacas y la visión transfronteriza de Octavio Solís en sus adaptaciones áureas" AITENSO (Asociación Internacional de Teatro Español y Novohispano de los Siglos de Oro). Puebla, México, Oct. 31-Nov 1, 2023.

Cowling, Erin. “Decolonizing the Comedia: From the Margins to Center Stage,” Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Almagro, Spain July 4-7, 2022.

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y.  "Recontextualizing Don Quixote: Immigration, Immersion, and Intertextuality," Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Almagro, Spain July 4-7, 2022.


Cowling, Erin. “Siglo Latinx: Minimalist Adaptations for Maximalist Effects,” Renaissance Society of America, Dublin, March 30-April 2, 2022.

Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y. "Siglo Latinx: Early Modern Spanish Theatre and Social Media," Renaissance Society of America, Dublin, March 30-April 2, 2022. (Cancelled due to COVID restrictions)


Cowling, Erin. “Confinement in the Comedia/Confinement and the Comedia” with Ana Karen Rodas Garza (MacEwan student) and Fernando Villa Proal (EFE TRES Teatro), Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Online, July 5-9, 2021.


Cowling, Erin. “Confinement, Covid, and the Comedia in Mexico City.” The Comedia under Siege, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Online, April 13-15 & 20-22, 2021.


Cowling, Erin. “Representing the Unrepresentable: Justice, Metatheatricality, and the Baroque in Cervantes’s Entremeses.” VI Jornadas de Teatro del Siglo de Oro Español y Novohispano Dramaturgia y Teatralidad: La justicia en el teatro áureo. Online, October 7-9, 2020.


Image credit: Israel Franco Muller. Scenography of Fuente Ovejuna by Teatro Círculo (2022). Used with permission of Israel Franco Muller. 
